
Some Of My Pet Peeves!

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Kevin Regan
Kevin Regan
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October 4, 2024

2:11 am


Pet peeves, the things that might seem insignificant to others but drive us crazy in their own ways. We all have our pet peeves and I’m sure no one has all of the same ones, sure some may overlap but each persons list of these nagging and annoying habits of others is their own.

Just so you know this is my list and quite frankly, can and most definitely will grow since it seems that something will always popup to bug me in some way. Please also note that this list is in no particular order or is a reflection of one thing bugging me more than another, this list is in some cases a bit tongue in cheek so try not to be offended unless my peeve fits you.

  • People who can’t be bothered to use their directionals when turning in their vehicles, this goes for our police officers who never seem to use directionals.
  • Drivers who will speed around me to pass me then slow down to the same speed or slower in front of me.
  • Unsolicited phone calls from people trying to sell me something or get my opinion on some topic I could really care less about.
  • News reports that represent themselves as reporting the news but it turns out to actually be an editorial presenting the reporters view or bias on a topic. I don’t begrudge others the right to their opinion but in bygone days these editorials would be presented as an opinion and not actual news. Just tell us you are stating your opinion.
  • Companies and service providers who tell you to ask questions then later when you try to rely on the answers they gave you to solve a problem they refer you to a vague section on the 100 page document you signed that says “sorry we lied about that one when you asked us”.
  • Solar energy companies, they are the worst, at least my company (Solarcity who became Tesla). Ask me some day on my opinion of solar energy!!!!
  • Other drivers who cut through parking lots (instead of using the driving lanes), especially the ones who cut across the lines. PS: This is also a crime in every state and carries some imposing fines for how dangerous it can be.
  • People who are offended by even the most simplest of things. Not the ones who may be offended by racial comments, physical threats but the ones who don’t agree with the same things you do. You are free to move on and ignore my statements.
  • People in the grocery store who leave their carriage in the middle of some other aisle and move to other aisles to do their shopping. Quite honestly it may be easier for you but for many thye have to maneuver around your cart.
  • People who pull over on the side of the road in the opposite direction of the lane they are in.
  • People who don’t stop at stop signs. Because you stopped behind the car that honored the stop sign doesn’t count as stopping at the stop sign.
  • Drivers who cross lines to go around others in their lanes not paying attention to drivers in the other lane. I understand you don’t want to wait but quite often you put the drivers in the other lane at risk if you don’t wait for them to clear to blocking object.
  • Distracted drivers/walkers, yes walkers. You’re walking in a busy street or parking lot using your phone for god knows what without paying attention to your surrounding relying on others to avoid you.
  • Parents who are either to busy, self absorbed or distracted to keep an eye on their kids. This also includes parents who make excuses and justify said bad behavior.
  • People who smoke around me. If you want to smoke that is your right but when I walk out a door, I shouldn’t be assaulted by your cigarette smoke.
  • Littering, if you have something that need to be thrown away keep in with you until you can find a proper receptacle. I see barrels all over the place in todays world and the odds are you will find a trash receptacle pretty quickly.
  • People who use the passing lane as a continuous travel lane. This lane is to be used so you can pass slower moving vehicles then move over after you have passed them.
  • People who pass others in the “slow travel lane” (not really a slow travel lane but you use it to enter and exit the highway so this traffic will naturally travel slower). All vehicles have a blind spot on the right side, moving around someone at a high rate of speed puts you in the other vehicles blindspot as they may be trying to exit the highway. If the passed driver goes to move right to get into the far right lane it could lead to tragedy.
  • Other bowlers who don’t respect the rules of lane etiquette t allow bowlers who are ready to bowl before you to start their bowling approach without you racing by them and distracting them.
  • People who use vulgar language in mixed company or in society like its a second language. Respect the folks around you because some of us and their children just don’t need to hear it.
  • Be responsible for how you interact with the world and people around you. You’re in a crowded store or event. Understand that there are others moving within their own spaces within that space and you need to share that space not own all of it.
  • People who don’t make their own decisions. In todays world we are bombarded by social media with people pushing their agenda (they don’t reflect anyone else opinions just their narratives). Check multiple info sources where there are varying view and justifications to form a complete view.
  • Scammers!!!! There is no excuse for these people and the tricks they play on unsuspecting people to take their hard earned money from them.
  • Car saleman who constantly assail me when I enter their lot while I’m sticker shopping. If I’m interested in buying a car I’ll come get someone.
  • People who don’t return their carriages to the carriage corral.
  • People who park in handicap spots when they don’t need to be there.
  • Neighbors trees who’s leaves fall in my yard.
  • Delivery drivers who refuse to walk the extra 30 steps to leave my package on the covered front porch but for whatever reason leave in a wide open, uncovered location regardless of the weather.
  • Peoples unsolicited advice.
  • People who won’t accept my unsolicited advice.
  • Groups of folks who smoke in front of entrances and exits to building causing the non-smokers to have to pass through and inhale their bad habit.
  • The ten pin, the five pin and the 7 pin!!!!! Bowlers will understand.

This is my list for now until someone elses actions get under my skin but remember to check back as the list will grow.

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